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Shepherd's Pie Recipe

Shepherd's Pie Recipe

September 13, 2020

While Shepherd's Pie hasn't always been a favorite around our house, it definitely is now! We didn't grow up eating this meal but after trying it this past week - we are hooked and Shepherd's Pie will be on our menu a lot this winter.

Make it with Oak Barn Beef's Best Dry Aged Ground Beef! 

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Spook-tastic Halloween Dinner Ideas & Recipes

Spook-tastic Halloween Dinner Ideas & Recipes

September 11, 2020

Let's get festive - Here are 7 recipes you HAVE to try for your Halloween celebrations!

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Crockpot Stuffed Pepper Soup Recipe

Crockpot Stuffed Pepper Soup Recipe

August 30, 2020

Earlier this month we posted a traditional Stuffed Peppers Recipe, but when we came across this one - we knew it would give that one a run for it's money! This serves 6-8 people and takes 7 hours for a cook time. This recipe is from Family Fresh Meals. They have a lot of yummy recipes, so check out their site!

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Stuffed Peppers - Summertime Entertainment!

Stuffed Peppers - Summertime Entertainment!

August 16, 2020

Stuffed Peppers is great for summertime and a fun one for kids! I'll never forget how excited I was when we had these for dinner. Bon Appetit!

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Grilled Beef, Summer Squash, and Onion Salad

Grilled Beef, Summer Squash, and Onion Salad

August 02, 2020

I love grilling steaks in the summer. And don't get me wrong, I love a good grilled steak plain. But sometimes it's fun to zest it up a little bit with a steak salad. I found this recipe from Beef, It's What's For Dinner and it looks so good. I had to share!

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Lazy Beef Lasagna

Lazy Beef Lasagna

July 12, 2020

Lasagna is a time consuming task though, so I haven’t made it very often. When I came across this recipe for “Lazy Lasagna” I was so excited! One of my favorite meals and now it’s easy to make? Count me in!

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Dinner for Two: Beef Enchiladas

Dinner for Two: Beef Enchiladas

June 28, 2020

Recently, we've had a lot of requests for recipes for two people. This is the first of many to come! This is an easy recipe for beef enchiladas, and Oak Barn Beef's best dry aged beef, ground beef is going to make it very delicious!

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Walking Taco - Kid Friendly Recipes

Walking Taco - Kid Friendly Recipes

June 14, 2020

Get your kids involved in making dinner! These super easy and fun 'Walking Tacos' are perfect for quarantined activities. Make dinner in a bag and take them to the front lawn for a picnic or make a fort and eat them in there!

Kids love them and they have a lot of the food groups you want to fit into a child's diet! Here we go...

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Best Summer Burger Recipes

Best Summer Burger Recipes

May 24, 2020

Burgers are something that we truly enjoy *spicing up* by trying new recipes. Don't get me wrong, I can eat a good old ground beef patty and bun any day... But sometimes it is fun to throw a curve ball and try some new recipes.

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Healthy Ground Beef Recipes

Healthy Ground Beef Recipes

May 10, 2020

Eating plays a big role in a healthy lifestyle. While you may have heard myths that beef is actually bad for you, when eaten right, it can be a powerful tool to help you get back into shape and pre-COVID19 health. Beef is the same as every other food - in moderation, it can be a powerful addition to your diet.

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How to Cook Steak on Stove Top

How to Cook Steak on Stove Top

May 10, 2020

If you are someone who wants to know how to cook steak on the stove top, then this article is for you! We can break it down into a 5-step process:

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    Skirt Steak Marinade with Chimichurri

    Skirt Steak Marinade with Chimichurri

    April 12, 2020

    Chimichurri is a light and zesty sauce that pairs perfectly with any kind of meat. Skirt steak is a perfect addition to this sauce! Skirt steak is commonly known as a cut made for Mexican Cuisine - skirt steak carne asada, skirt steak fajitas, etc. Skirt steak is very delicious by itself too!

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