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Safe Handling of Beef Jerky, Beef Sticks, & Summer Sausages

June 21, 2020

Safe Handling of Beef Jerky, Beef Sticks, & Summer Sausages

Safe Handling of Beef Jerky & Beef Sticks

Beef Jerky and Beef Sticks are some of our favorite products. They’re easy to grab for a snack on-the-go, and protein packed.

With the ease of this snack, we want to make sure you are storing and handling it in the best way. Follow these precautions to make sure your product stays in the best shape possible!

Beef Jerky & Beef Sticks:

  • This is shelf stable, which means when unopened it can stay in a room temperature room. Keeping it at a steady temperature versus extreme temperatures is better for it. It is also important to handle the beef sticks in a way to ensure that the package does not break the vacuum seal. Somethings that can cause this are: 
    • extreme temperatures
    • placing the package in tightly packed areas where it can be punctured by other objects
  • If any of the above items happen, we recommend: 
    • eating the jerky/sticks right away 
    • Refrigerating or freezing the jerky/sticks
    • Or throwing it away if you are not able to consume/refrigerate immediately.

Summer Sausages:

  • Our Summer Sausages are NOT Shelf-Stable. This means they should be refrigerated or frozen.

When you follow these guidelines, your beef jerky, beef sticks, and summer sausage will be delicious and safe for you!!

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