Oak Barn Beef is moving! Earlier this year, we purchased a building to turn into Oak Barn Beef's new headquarters. It's about 5 miles away from the farm where our headquarters are located now. To read that announcement, click here. I also shared a more detailed post with our plans for the space. You can view the plans by clicking here!
Our initial goal was to have the storefront opened sometime this summer (2022). We are still be on track for that, considering summer technically goes until September 22 ;) We are predicting a soft-opening sometime at the beginning of September, but of course this could change. We will definitely keep you all in the loop!
We're still in full-on construction mode for our new storefront and beef head quarters in West Point. It's not pretty yet, but we have big plans to transform this space in the next few months.
Eric has a full-time job, but he is doing most of the work himself and with family. Luckily, we have a lot of talented relatives and they have been so helpful through the construction project so far! We're also very thankful for the professional contractors who have helped us with plumbing, heating and cooling, and electrical. They are so busy and booked up, and we're very grateful for them making time for us to keep the project moving.
Future retail/store front area:
Walk-In Freezer 'Shell' :)
Thanks for following along with us on this big project! We are so excited for the completed project that will come later this year!
When ordering premium beef online, one of the most common questions we hear is: “Why is Oak Barn Beef shipped frozen?” Some may wonder if frozen beef is as good as the fresh beef found at the grocery store. The truth is, freezing beef locks in freshness, preserves quality, and ensures a safe and delicious product—making it the best way to enjoy farm-to-table beef.
Merrill R Shaffer
July 08, 2022
We are nearly finished with our first quarter pack and have loved all of it. We will be ordering another quarter pack this fall. Congratulations on the new store. If we ever get to your area we will be stopping in.