An Update from Hannah:
Back in May, Eric found a walk-in freezer from an old gas station on Craigslist. We bought it and the project began!
Eric's been working to build the freezer, so I can move the beef business from my parents house in Unadilla to our new town, West Point Nebraska.
Between everything that's been going on in this crazy world and Eric and I both starting new jobs, I am excited to announce the freezer is done and we moved in on September 19, 2020!
I am so excited for this, and I realize any transition or moving of a business requires a lot of research and hard work on the back end. We plan to move the cattle here, as well, slowly, but a big thank you to my parents for taking such good care of them through this transition! And a big thank you to Eric's parents for letting us move the business onto their farm place until Eric and I can find our own farm.
It takes a village, and I feel so fortunate to have so many supporters! Thank you and have a great week!
Teresa Eden
October 27, 2022
Congratulations on your move ! Looks great!
And good luck and best wishes on your upcoming baby delivery! You look great Hannah!