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Beef's Role in Child Development

May 17, 2019 1 Comment

Beef's Role in Child Development

The Benefits of Beef in Children’s Development

Have you ever wondered if beef is needed for your child to develop properly? The internet is flooded with so much information these days on what foods a child should eat or not eat in order to develop properly so it’s easy to feel misguided, overwhelmed, and confused.

One thing is for sure, people of all ages and stages need protein in order to function! Children need a well-balanced diet that includes protein so they can grow and develop. Do you remember when the food pyramid came along? This handy visual shows the need of all foods including protein (beef included).

Food Pyramid

A child needs 2-3 servings of protein a day and they can eat it from a variety of sources, but did you know there is value in children eating beef? Yes, beef! Here’s how beef’s nutrients can help in a child’s development:

  • Beef is a complete source of protein-a complete source of protein contains all essential amino acids that are crucial and necessary for the mind and body to function.
  • Beef builds strong muscles and supports bone development- an article titled, “How to Build Muscle for Kids” from AZ Central states that protein sources like beef are the building blocks of muscles and is needed for your child’s muscular growth and development. When children build strong muscles, their strength and endurance increase which helps them in their daily activities and sports.
  • Beef is a great source of Iron, Zinc, and Vitamin B12- according to an article written by Beef It’s What’s for Dinner titled, “Beef for All Ages-Eat to Thrive”, these nutrients have been identified as critically important in supporting proper growth and development. This can provide long-lasting benefits for the child which includes a healthy immune system, improving recall skills and reasoning, and promoting growth and learning milestones. In an article titled “You’re Better on Beef-Iron, Zinc, & Vitamin B12 in Beef” by Harvey Beef they went through the specific needs of each nutrient for your child and how it’s all found in beef:

Iron - this nutrient is needed for your child to have energy and it carries oxygen through your child's blood to their internal organs

Zinc - this nutrient is vital for the normal growth and development of the reproductive organs and brain and plays a role in the normal functioning of the immune system and many other processes in the body

Vitamin B12 - this nutrient is essential for your child's neurological development and cell growth

  • Beef provides energy that is longer-lasting - this helps a child’s blood sugar stabilize which can help prevent them from having sugar or starchy cravings. Protein like beef makes you feel fuller longer, so this is important for a child to feel satiated after their meals.

As you can see beef contains nutrients for your children’s growth and development. No need to question your child eating beef or not as studies have shown that consumption of protein including beef is crucial for development. So, go ahead, serve your child a delicious hamburger, roast, or steak while they reap in the benefits of beef for their development. (and you could enjoy some too!)

If you have struggled with your child eating beef, then stay tuned for a future post on tips and tricks for getting a child to eat beef!

What is your favorite beef recipe to make for the children in your life? (comment below!)

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1 Response

Mr. Wee
Mr. Wee

April 26, 2024

Don’t forget about brain food! I’d like to share a blog I wrote: https://tutorcity.sg/blog/which-brain-foods-are-the-best-for-my-childs-development

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